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Dancerholics Anonymous

Samba-ChaChaCha-Rhumba-Paso Doble-Jive
Catch Your Breath, And Repeat.


gaidin samurai @ Tuesday, March 28, 2006
I think it's overly obvious that almost nobody comes here anymore. And those people who do come here are as loud as mutes. Heh.

So since I am rather bored, and I just so happened to be hit by a glob of inspiration a few weeks ago, i have decided to do something about this dusty space.

As part of the original group that decided to create a blog for our dancesport club in Ngee Ann Poly, I feel that that idea is rather moot. It should not be an exclusive type of blog that caters to the 'either-or' of dancers in...well... of dancers.

In any case, I intend to start posting regularly here. Er, by regularly I suppose that would be a post every few days, and a week at the most. Anybody else wanting to post stuff is extremely welcome to, just as long as it's dance related. Although this is primarily a DanceSport blog, I suppose I would welcome discussion of other dances, for the principles from many other dances also apply to DanceSport.

Let's just steer well clear from BreakDancing. The HipHop stream is non-conformist and free-flowing by nature and hence the term : Free Stylin'

So. If you wish to post something up here, I suppose you could ask for posting rights by emailing dancerholics@gmail.com . You can also mail a synopsis of what you want to say there as well.

It's rather sloppy and stuff, but until we think of a better method, let's stick with that, yes?

Okay. Hrm. That should be about it. Thanks to bren for all the efforts in trying to keep this place (barely) alive.

And one last thing: I am not the voice of a professional dancer. I may not say the most....useful things at times. All the stuff by me is, well, my personal opinion and stuff I have learnt through what little experience I've had. For proper..um..teachings, go ask your instructors.



gaidin samurai @ Sunday, March 26, 2006
Just keeping this decrepit old blog alive, people.



Anonymous @ Sunday, February 05, 2006


Formation on January

Anonymous @ Wednesday, October 12, 2005
According to Daryl, our Formation will be performing at Ngee Ann City on January 2006. It's part of the Youth Exposition that Ngee Ann Poly will be organising to give our CCAs some airtime.

For now, we need to practice, practice, practice...

Our Cozy Dance Room

Anonymous @ Friday, September 23, 2005

What a day. I just came down from work, put on my dancing shoes and danced the night away - as usual. Everyone is doing their best to improve themselves as we practiced our Cha Cha Cha and Rumba routines over and over again.

As dancers, we shouldn't be putting ourselves in a negative perspective in hope that it will spur us on. It won't. Everyone should look forward to the greater challenges ahead of everyone of us and YES! DON'T LOOK DOWN WHEN YOU'RE DANCING!!!


For all those whom I do not have your MSN, please add me at plainwise -at- hotmail -dot- com. I'll be expanding the MSN Group shortly... :)

Dance for the October Holidays!

Anonymous @ Thursday, September 22, 2005
NOTE: Caryn, just when I wanted to update, you were faster than I am -_-

Dance is back on track once again after the (dreaded) September exams. We had a Rumba Beginners' Class last Tuesday. It's good to see everyone dancing after the exams - because (for me) I love the grooves, the music and not forgetting - the company. :)

The seniors FINALLY got their IVP (Inter-Varsity Programme) Jackets after a long long wait. We also claimed the cash for our costumes too. Now, we NEVER have to be dwarfed by the other CCAs who wear the same jacket and walk around the campus as-if-their-CCAs-is-the-BEST-CCA-EVAR! Dancesports rockz too, yes Caryn?

What's up for Dancesports? Well, there's an October competition coming soon (Daryl said it's the Lion City, but I'm not too sure about that). At the beginning of October, there will also be a Dancesports chalet organised by Karen and yours truly (that was last year). Hope that all of the NPDS people can turn up so that we can have loads of fun together! (nothing sexual in nature, of course)

Most of us seniors are very much looking forward to the juniors participation in the upcoming competitions. Ask anyone of us and we'll tell you that each and every competition had been an euphoric experience for us. The memories we have collected in each and every competition will follow us throughout our lives. For me, I find myself drawing closer to my friends in every competition. Nadia, Daryl and Marcus could testify to that ;).

See you all at Dance this evening!

IVP Jackets!

Anonymous @ Thursday, September 22, 2005
Hey people! I see this place is practically dead. No offence to anyone. Haha!

Anyway, a few of us are thinking of stitching 'Dancesports' on the back of our IVP jackets (yes, the long awaited ones), and maybe our names on the front. And since it's cheaper in Malaysia, well, you can guess the rest. =)

So, those who are interested, drop me a mail or something yeah? See you people during practice!

p.s. Oh right, and just to add on, Karen has booked a chalet for us dancerholics on the 5th, 6th and 7th of October. If I'm not wrong, it's $20 per person, including meals and lodging. Drop her a mail or something if you're interested, yeah? That's all folks!

-- Caryn --

Reincarnation = New Template

Anonymous @ Thursday, August 25, 2005
As you can see, I've just uploaded a new template (with a wee bit of modifications) for the blog. If you have better images to display as the header above, do email dancerholics -at- gmail -dot- com with images. Along the way, for the next couple of days (or for as long as I have the time), I'll be doing updates to the blogger template to include the tagboard, cooler features and many, many more...

For now, enjoy the new blog :)

3rd Reincarnation

Anonymous @ Thursday, August 25, 2005
This will officially be the third time I'm trying to revive the blog... again. -_-

About a few posts back, I mentioned my wish to actually bring this blog back to life again. Unfortunately, due to lack of information on my part (read: not being kaypo enough in the club) and being busy with practices... I lost touch with the blog (and the MSN Group). Eventually, the blog collected dusts and codwebs... again. *rolls eyes*

My apologies. :(

On the other hand, I would like to extend my invitation to MORE dancers to help contribute to this blog. As long as you share the same passion that we at the NPDS do, we would strongly encourage you to blog about dancesports with us!

Email us at dancerholics -at- gmail -dot- com to get the invites. :)